Are Lions Nocturnal Feeders?


Hello everyone, I just bought a lion who i fed silversides to...My question is do they prefer to eat at night? Because he seems much more active once the lights are off. Should I feed at night? What kind of experience does everyone have with feeding their Lions??


most fish hunt at night or right when the sun goes down(lights go off) but thats some. not all. my lfs told me to feed my fish at dusk or later.. i donno about lions.


Active Member
Mine have got used to daytime feeding. It is just a whole lot easier to feed them during the day when you can see a lot more clearly. They will get into a routine, although even my 2 lions are very active at night still. I would recommend getting them into a daytime routine.


Active Member
yes lions are basicly nocternal hunters but they will eat what ever time of day food is offered I normally fed mine in the evening before bedtime roulghly 10:30 pm i feed every silverslides can be part of a good diet for you lion make sure you give a variety of meaty foods such foods as squid ,shrimp, fish,krill .anything you can get him to eatof sw variety no fw feeders such as brine ,goldfish ect .even mysis if he will eat foods that small.I have house one of mine in a reef so it also shares space with many smaller fish that it could easily be called dinner,if i miss a feeding at any day I also lose a fish.they grow very quickly .but they are cool fish.good luck with your new arrival


Thanks guys... How does everyone feed thiers? It seems like the only way mine will take the food is if i put it right in his face WITH MY HAND... Is their an easier/safer way?? Granted he is brand new to the environment so it may take a while to get comfortable. But how does everyone feed theirs? Do those plastics claws work? Clamp the food in one of those and put that in the tank instead of my arm?? And with shrimp and thing like that how do you get the lion to eat them I though they only go for thing that appear alive? Thanks for the advise...The good news is that he is eating I just want to get him on a variety and without my arm in his face.


I started out feeding mine off a clear plastic prong (feeding stick) but now he just comes to the corner top of the tank when i open the lid, and i just drop food in and he sucks it up. It takes a little time to condition them, but I feel they are fairly smart fish and learn well when food motivated.


Where do I get a feeding stick from?? Yes I agree... the more I try to feed him it looks like hes catching on, he sees how I feed my Niger and My Eel and he looks disappointed like Im not including him in the other reindeer games.
But when i open the lid he knows something's up...He'll get there.


Active Member
I just hand-feed my lions. I make sure my other fish are distracted with their food and then I feed my lions their silversides, ghost shrimp, krill, etc.


I got my feesing stick at my LFS, its just a long thin piece of acrylic. If LFS doesnt carry, maybe you have a TAP Plastic or something like that where you live?


Do they take it right out of your hand or do you have to drop it? Arent yoou afraid that one of his spikes will get you? I have only had him 2 days so I kinda wanna study his behavior especially when feeding before I do that.


Active Member
Yes, I release it to them as soon as they go for it in my fingers. It is all about timing. The only time they will sting you is if they feel threatened. They are not agressors, they use their venom as protection to threats.


Ok thanks... I guess it just takes some practice from him and me. He actually had an easier time taking it out of my Niger's mouth than my hand...Idk what my Niger was thinking the silverside was almost as big as him...Maybe Ill just make the Niger the messenger.


Oh Yeah... Do you soak your food? I soak my Niger's stuff in Garlic Extreme and Zoe... Do you soak the Lions food?


Ok cool...Dont you love the smell of the Garlic Extreme?? I really believe they need a 3rd container to store it in, maybe 4