are lunar lights a good product?


i was looking to buy lights and i saw that lunar lights for the same wattage as MH or VHO are much cheaper. is this a good product?

bill f

I'd like to jump in too because I saw them on ----. They looked great but similar to actinic light. At least from pictures. Just curious.
I end the day with 45 minutes of blue actinic lights.
Are the lunar lights OK to run after those are on and how long to you run them?


you run them all the time... only 1 watt.
or you could shut them off during the day when the big boys are on... it's supposed to help simulate the moon light all your critters/coral/fish would get in the wild...
waste of money in my opinion.. my hood came with lunar lights so i have them but i do not use them.


the package i saw was with day lights also i think. im new to this and maybe i dont know what i was looking at but it said 260 watts.


New Member
for anyone but the

reefers who want to simulate nature (they use the moon cycle, not the light itself) moon lights are for asthetic purpose only. granted you get to see what your fish's night life is like, and the shimmer of light from one or 2 LED's is something else.


lunar lights? i got a unit with them. wonder if they actually
disturb night time cycles. i don't know if there really needed.
as in nature the moon is't out full all of the time. I beleive fish and inverts need full darkness night 60% of the time... could be wrong...