are my star polyps alive?


New Member
I bought the polyps last friday and I still have not seen any polyps emerge. I did see them at the store before i brought it home. I took the proper time in introducing the polyps. The rock is covered in a red spine-looking things, but no polps. Can the polyps just be taking there time before they come out? I already have other soft corals in the tank, and they are doing very well.
Do i need to be worried, or just patient?


If they arent opened yet I would try moving them somewhere else in the tank. I don't know what lighting or flow you have but try moving them maybe every 3 or 4 days untill you find a spot they like. Sometimes it does take a while for corals to open.
[This message has been edited by kass (edited 04-25-2000).]


I have a few rocks covered with star polyps. The rock towards the top of my reef gets moved now and then so I can clean the back of tank and when it does the polyps hide for a week. When I bought them they hid for about two weeks. If all parameters in tank are correct I would just be patient.


I purchased a piece of star polyp about 2 and a half weeks ago. It had been in the shop about 2 months and had doubled it's size. The polyps had started to come out after being in the tank for a few hours and had completely emerged by the end of the third day. I placed the piece high in the tank with a strong current running over it. It has increased its surface area by about one and a half sq inches (8%) since I bought it. I was very pleased until a couple of days ago when some black slime algae started covering some of it. The coral is no longer fully expanded (about 80%) althoug still growing in unafected areas. I know star polys do not as much ligt as other corals and I am considering moving it to a slightly darker spot to see if the change will counter the alge. I have also noticed that some of the polyps have their tentacle tips touching above their mouths! Anyone got any solutions for the algae or reasons for the touching tentacle tips?


I purchased a Star Polyp rock a couple of months ago that was full in the pet store, but once I took it home it wouldn't come out. As each day passed more would open; be patient, it will take a few days. Now the mat is covering the rock and when the Star Polyps open, they stretch and touch one another!


i know this an old post I feel like I just wanted to here some more info on polyps.
I bought a yellow pollyp and it is doing great(Day 5) It opened fully aafter about 5 minuntes in my tank. Looks great. Does anyone feed their pollyps? I have feed them twice some liquid target invert food. Is this needed?