Are my test numbers normal?


It has been about 1 1/2 weeks that I have been cycling my new 180 gallon tank. I started the cycle with 4 cocktail shrimp. I currently have about 230 pounds of cured live rock in there and 40 pounds of live sand and 80 pounds of not live sand. My ammonia spiked and now it is at 0 and my nitrites are at 0 also but I have never seen them go up. And my nitrates are at 5. Do these numbers look normal so far. I really think that all the live rock and sand has helped out alot, but just a little confuse that I havent got a nitrite reading yet. It has been 4 days since I checked the nitirites before today. Is it possible that they went up and down in the 4 days. Also what do you make out of my nitrates being at 5. Thanks for all the help everyone:confused:


You mentioned that you have 230 lbs of CURE rock, that helps a lot and I am not really surprise that your ammonia is 0 so are your nitrates, if you had uncured live rock you would have different readings. Keep us posted as your tank progress :)


I did have a big ammonia spike from the cocktail shrimp I used, but the ammonia has gone. But still no nitrites and just a slight reading on the nitrates. Do you guys think the nitrates will still go up?