Are nudibraches (sea slugs) reef safe?


finger leather

I am thinking of getting some for my tank. I hear they are good algea eaters.Are they reef safe? Also, I have a ball sponge, Will it eat that? My LFS said they would, But you know how they are. Thank you!

See, even 12 year-olds are well educated in this hobby! :D


Depending on the species. They are all toxic to some extent , from mildly- to potent. All of them seem to be very specialized on what they feed on. Each species seems to only feed on one particular food item and after that is exhausted, then they tend to shrink up and die!

finger leather

Thanks. So, if I were to get one(lets say today or tommorow) What one would be the best for the tank? And what does it eat? Thank you!(TY)

See, Even 12 year-olds are well educated in this hobby! :D

finger leather

This site has gone down hill in the last day. I came here for help, not wise. Im going to come back when this site is back to normal.


this site is pretty good all things considering;
hey finger, you shouldn't let someone else drive you away...nuidbrancs are even more IFY then anemones; many man countless said earlier are usually specialized eaters...IF you can identify & aquire certain species & what it eats & provide for it...go for it, if not,probably best to stay away from...some are known to be coral eaters as well...ones found in LFS might iether eat sponges or algae...


i bought 2 purple nudis a month ago in attempt to eat hair algea. reef safe i guess, but itself wasn't too safe, most people will tell you their nudibranch either go into the pre filter sump or died when crawled into powerhead. It happened to one of mine, i found him underneath in the sump :mad:
After rescue this nudi from sump, one day he went underneath a big live rock and never come out again, check nitrate, it went from undectable to 2.5ppm. didn't notice any damage to corals, now still have one left and observing.

finger leather

Ok. Thanks. Now I dont want to buy one thinking that it might eat the coral. I will have to do a lot more reaserch on these guys before i get one. I thought they were like snails, they eat algea and dont harm anything. Good thing I know now! Hey, it would save me time If anybody knows a slug that will not harm anything(eats algea) tell me. Thank u

nm reef

Active Member
Couple of things:
Wise that type of insanity is not needed here. Simply go "play" somewhere else. Like maybe in a high traffic zone!!! I deleted the garbage!! there a problem or possibly a question about posts being deleted? I have seen some of your posts and personally I value your in-put. Both here and else where...if there is a concern it can be dealt with. But I for one think members with your background and experience are needed here.
As for the question about sea slugs. I have a bunch of the buggers in my reef and in my fish only system. They may be related to nudi's but the ones in my systems pose no problems. They are most active after lights out on the sand and glass. I have looked at a few sites to try to id them. Below is what I've found. Hope it helps.
<a href="" target="_blank">sea slug info</a>
By the way I've never got a positive ID on the type I have but they look like a common turbo but only a small thin shell...grayish in color...sort of circular in shape...basically looks like a snail...minus the shell. :cool:

finger leather

Thanks u! You have been such a help! And NMreef, I will try to look for the slug you are talking about. :)


I have three lettuce nudis in my 90g reef tank..Ive had them for about two weeks now. Howvere they will float down to the sump. I have rescued mine at least three times already. They are very cool though and are always munching in algea off the glass...