Are people amazed when they see your tank?



Had some family over the other day. All they could do was stare at my reef. It's like they can't believe that anyone could keep this kind of stuff alive and thrive in captivity. Anyway, I guess one gets desenitized to their aquarium after awhile, even though i love looking at it.
This hobby rocks.


Active Member
hahaha.....I have to's a friends kids that were over about two years ago.....My neice (two years old) now stands on the step ladder to look in the tank...very cute, and don't worry.....very sturdy and safe. I always liked this low quality pic......saved it for years now....because it really shows how kids are amazed......before anyone says it....yeah, the star is big, and it is long since gone from a bacterial infection.

nm reef

Active Member
I don't know about amazed...but there are several friends and family that always seem to enjoy the view. I always like it when my dad shows up and spends 30 minutes or so checking evey little detail and insuring there isn't anything new to ask about!
Sammy...that pic kills me every time I see it...:cool:


Active Member
I've only got two corals and a shrimp in my 20 Nano(so far) and It still gets the "nose to the glass" reaction from visitors...
Then they go to the big tank to look at the "pretty" colored Tangs and Shark...nose to the glass...Then the Lion "Steps out" from his cave and "Flares" ...and every one jumps back Two feet and goes "OOOOH...AAAAH... :eek:
I love that part...;)


I with the rest of you!! When someone new sees it they are amazed , then they look at it for a while then they ask a barrage of questions that I am only to happy to answer.


Amazingly yes.... I am restarting my tank basically two months ago from the damage my ex did to it. everybodys favorite seems to be my yellow goby, especially when you stay still long enough for him to come out of his hole and swim for ya! does anybody ever find ppl will really be amazed at the crabs??? they seem to overlook quite a bit in my tank whenever my emerald is out front munching on alge. ;)
btw sammy how long did you have that star for it to get soo big?


Active Member
Our 175 gallon tank is in our dining room and nine times out of ten, the first thing a visitor sees and remarks on is our tank. Then come the exclamations of how pretty/awsome/beautiful/impressive it is, followed by the questions about what certain fish/corals are called, etc. It's a great conversation piece when company comes over.
Anytime my dad comes over, we always all sit around in the dining room to talk because all he wants to do is look at the tank. :)


Active Member
My boss came to dinner a couple nights ago. He has seen a pic of the tank. When I gave him directions, he kind of laughed and asked if he should just look for the house with the tank in the window (yeah, right) Anyway, he must have spent 45 minutes looking at it and asking questions. He said he had no idea what it was really like and still pictures sure did not do a very good job of portraying the real thing. :D