Are Perculas compatible with Clarki


New Member
I want to order some clowns here on this site that are hardy and peaceful. I am thinking about 2/clarkis and 2/false percula....Should this be a problem? They will be the only fish in the tank for now in a 180g.


Active Member
I had one clarkii and one false perc in my 75g for awhile. After a couple of months, my clarkii started menacing my perc. It got so bad, I had to remove the clarkii.


Active Member
I have a marron, and a clarkii in a 180. They get along fine except when the clarki tries to get into the marrons lta. The maroon will chase him out and go back to his home. The clarkii will think of a new strategy and try again. No major problems yet though.