Are puffers bad?


I have a 175 and a 46 gallon tank. Both have a small 4 Guinea Fowl Puffer. I really like watching them swim and hang out with the other fish. A couple days ago the one in the 175 inflated for no apparent reason. I told my LFS guy this and he said I was very lucky he didn't kill off the tank with his poison. He said he's had that happen on a couple of occasions. Is this a legitimate concern? Should I get rid of these guys or what? Thanks.

fish boy

puffers usually puff up when they are scared but i have seen my pork puff up when it dosent seem like anything has scared him also the puffers flesh is poisonous and the olny way your fish could get poisoned is if they eat your puffer they dont release any poison when they puff


Mine does it sometimes for no reason at all, maybe just stretching or playing around. DON'T WORRY, they won't release toxins and kill off your tank. Your LFS guy was probably thinking of Boxfish (which excrete toxins when they are very, very stressed out/die.) HTH


Active Member
I agree w/ Irenicus. And yes, puffers have to inflate every once in awhile to keep their skin stretched. They normally do it every month or two, but normally at night or right as lights start to come on.

murray bmf

My porky puffs up too! Every once in a while I'll see him all puffed up, then he's done, back to sleeping on the rocks!
only usually when they are scared of something or to make itself look big so the other fish dont pick on it or eat it