Are puffers supose to be agressive??


Well i have a striped puffer and he does not even bother my fish or crabs!!!!Is this normal?Or do i have a werid puffer?
*But he does get agresive during feeding time!*


your a lucky guy! puffers are generally agressive, but u seemed to have obtained a nice one, a rare thing! Consider yourself lucky!!!


i thing its the type of puffer i have the same one he dose the same thing he dosent even try to eat the brittle star have in there with him. however he will try to steal shrimp away from my eel during feeding time.



Originally posted by lionfish28
Well i have a striped puffer and he does not even bother my fish or crabs!!!!Is this normal?Or do i have a werid puffer?
*But he does get agresive during feeding time!*

give him time. he will eventually get bored and more than likely eat your snails and crabs. sometimes they don't do it right away.


My Blue Spot Puffer left my crabs alone, but tore up all but one snail. I am afraid that its just a matter of time for the last snail.


I have a Dogface Puffer and a Pork Puffer and they both do not bother snails or hermits. It has been this way for 2 years.:happyfish


Generally puffers (except some of canthigaster sp.) are not aggressive at all. They only show aggression out of hunger especially when food is present. Once they get used to captive food, they usually do not bother invertebrates in the tank even if they are considerably smaller than puffer. But, there are always exceptions.


but puffers are ALWAYS hungry.
I would have to disagree with you and say that puffers usually DO bother invertebrates in the tank, but there are exceptions.
Puffers eat these things in the wild, they'll eat em in your tank. Since there are so many puffers that seem to like to eat snails, legs off starfish, etc, it is much safer to assume that a puffer will eat these things than it is to assume that they will leave them alone. (Especially if you just spent all kinds of money on a clean up crew and expensive starfish.)
Be safe and just don't mix the two. Common sense.


I agree with you on that their main diet is invertebrates in the wild. So generally you should not mix them together. However, I think whether or not your puffer will eat your invertebrates depends upon what species you refer to. I've had both large puffers (including dogface, striped, immaculate, and map) and sharpnose puffers (valentini, bluedot, bennetti, hawaiian), and I found out that all of tobies were more than happy to consume all of my invertebrates. On the contrary, all of my big puffers did not even bother them at all. I think this was because I trained them to eat only frozen food when they were really young. I know these are just a few exceptions, but from my experience puffers are very intelligent and they can learn not to eat crustaceans.


i have 2dogface 1blackspot1starsandstrips 1valitiniapuffer with cbs 2starfish for 2years no problems