Are the ......


Active Member
neon goby - 2 inches, Engineer Goby up to 12 inches.
Were you looking at a juvenile engineer goby, the colors look similar then


They are not the same fish and do not have the same functions, they just look similar when the engineer is a juvenile. I know you're looking into a nano set up, do not get the Engineer Goby. The neon is a cleaner species, meaning that it will clean other tank inhabitants and some say that this can prevent diseases and parasites such as ich. The engineer goby is a sand sifting species.
Neon Goby: Elacatinus oceanops
Enginer Goby (aka Convict Goby): Pholidichthys leucotaenia


Engineers can be a huge pain in the butt. They are massive sand movers, massive, to the point of shifting rockwork not to mention they gave very large and to me, ugly.
Neon gobies are cute little guys. I have heard of some issues with them not eating and starving themselves, which is why I steered away from them. I would say they would do better in larger established reefs or at least looking for the ORA bred ones which are supposed to accept a broader diet.
I have a little goby assortment going in my pipe tank that I enjoy, lively, easy to maintain, although admitedly, they are feeding on enriched live bbs that I hatch daily for the pipes. In QT, they were eating non-live foods.
I have Catalinas, Okinowas, a Dwarf Spine Fin, and some little gray mottled goby that happened to be in the ghost shrimp bag that came into the lfs and knowing I had the mini gobies, he was given to me.
If you do a little research, there are some really beautiful small gobies out there. I would have to say the Catalinas are my absolute favorites hands down.
Here is a picture of one off of google. It's late and all my lights are off but you can see how pretty they are!