are their any other signals that a fish has ick other than little spots


my blue tang ppears to have ich. I think? is their any other signs of ick other than little salt looking spots on the fish.
the reason i ask is that the tang seems real healthy and has not stopped eating algae since i have added him to the tank. he has no signs of being sick other than a few specs on him. is this ick or possibly something else??:confused:


Active Member
i have heard that they tend to swim a little different in latter stages, like darting as a natural reaction to get something off of you.


in the beginning stages the fish do appear to act normal, at some point as the disease progresses you will notice a change....
do u have sand as your substrate? the reason i ask is becuase sometimes my hippo tang gets some of the sand grains on him and it looks just like ich. this might be the case for your fish.


I believe scratching is a sign of ick. My trigger started scratching against the rocks, shortly after he got ich.