Are there any species of eel that would do well in a moderate-tempered setup?


I mean like with a tang, pinktail trigger, puffer, that kind of thing. Or are all eels aggressive predators?


There are so many eels out there. You should state some specifics on what you are looking for exactly. Size, coloring, temperment, and how big of a tank it will be in. Since you have mainly large fish there are some good choices depending on the size of your aquarium. If you are going to keep it in your 75 then you should get something like a snowflake or a golden dwarf eel. They have one on this site listed as banana eel. Your tank isn't big enough for a zebra or a goldentail.


Size: As long as it can fit in a 75 gallon without being stressed out.
Coloring: I'd prefer a brighter coloring... but, pretty much I just want an eel without spending too much.
Temperment: I basically want a semi-peaceful eel, one that would do okay in a aquarium set-up with a tang, wrasse, etc.


Well the most colorful eel that would work for life is the dwarf eel/ banana eel but you probably don't want to spend 200 on it. You could get a goldentail eel but normally the require larger tanks (though it does only get to 2'). Ghost eels/ white eels are nice looking and can stay in a 75. Most people wouldn't recommend a ribbon eel like a black or blue ( I really don't either) but they would work. If you can keep them alive. Green wolf eels are kinda cool looking and they would work. Like everyone keeps saying, snowflakes are probably your best bet. If i think of anymore I'll let you know.