Are these Aiptasias?????


I found this pic on the forum, and I see one of these came on one of the pieces that I just bought.... I moved the piece and it went into hiding....I don't mean to offend the original poster of this pic, but I'm just wondering. :notsure:


Is there any type of aiptasia that resemble these yellow polyps? Cause the one that is on my rock looks kinda like that but it is brown, has fewer and longer arms.

mister t

Bally they do look alot like that , and they retract into the rock when you mess with them! get ride of them!!! there nasty!! :scared:


Thank you Viper for the link. The first pic is more like what I have. I messed with it and it since retracted into the rock and hasn't shown its' self yet. I'll get it tommorow with the boiling water and turkey baster....Should I take the rock out of the tank and do it or should I do it inside? The rock is about the size of my fist and it has about 4-5 mushrooms on it. Anyways what is the best way to blast it.