Are these attractive?


I hate them! LOL Also not a fan of the Picasso clowns, etc. People are just making money off of mutants now!


Well-Known Member

If they look good to you is all that matters. They look like feshwater fish to real color. True ugly are the goldfish with bug eyes so big they float.


I would say no, but they are interesting. I would still rather have one with normal coloring.
HAHA Flower, its funny you say that. My wife thinks, and this is in her own words, that they are "Precious". She said they are so ugly you feel sorry for them. She also likes the Lionhead goldfish. I dont know why.

scott t

Active Member
I dont like the looks of them either and the Price tag that they carry is Ridiculous also.. I have seen Mated Pairs going for $500.00 that is just totally out of this world... Singles are like $200.00 each I would rather just get a Regular Clown and put it in a tank..