Are these clown fish eggs?? Breeding Pair?


New Member
I just notice in my 72 gallon tank a redish/orange group on a rock next to a anemone tht my clown fish have now adapted to. I think that it is eggs and they have now mated but im not sure. We have had the clown fish for 2 yrs but just got the anemone a month ago. Please let me know if the clowns are breeding and what should i do if anything?
thanks ryan



New Member
do you know how long before the eggs hatch and what to do if they do for i have other fish in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dbrown23
do you know how long before the eggs hatch and what to do if they do for i have other fish in the tank.
Likely around 8 days. When they turn silver, the eggs they will hatch that night usually within a good half hour of lights out. You will not be able to save this batch, I advise that you don't try. If you want to breed these fish realize that it isn't very profitable. If you want to though, Clownfishes is an amazing book that you almost have to get

Congrats, I envy you.