Are these corals safe in my tank?

reef dude

would the following corals survive in my tank, 90 gal. w/ 2 MH bulbs (175w each) and 2 40w actinic 03 bulbs?:
Brain corals
Bubble coral
assorted polyps
assorted leathers


I have heard hammers are fairly difficult to take care of, probably not the first one I would get.

nm reef

Active Member
That system .....stable and established...with that lighting would be fun! Yup...I think those corals could work in that system just fine!!! What are your water conditions like? Type of filtration? How long has it been cycled?
Hammers aren't difficult at all in a stable/mature system with moderate to high lighting. I've had one die due to a sudden temp increase!! The one I have now suffered from RTN...but a little minor surgury and its fine now......even growing!!
Sounds like you've got a very nice system developing...any pics?
I love eye-candy!! :cool:

reef dude

Thanks for the input everyone! i appreciate it. Right now I've got a wet/dry filter, about 4" DSB(120 lbs aragonite, approx. 10-20 lbs live sand)
my lights will be here in about a week, once they're up, I'll start loadin' her up...