we are in Penscola for the weekend, and found a bunch of small crabs on the beach, I would like to take some home and put in the tank, but not sure if they are reef safe. theyare lite colored, don't know what they are called.
Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
Be sure to check FL laws....it may be illegal to take critters home from the beach...anyone in FL know?
i have heard taht all you need is a fishing lisence, but takeing lr is illegal. i dont knwo if this is true though.
but i do know, that even if you could get a positive ID on these and if they are reef safe or not, what if they are carrying some type of pathogen? youd want to QT them for a while.
Sounds like just your common hermit crabs, They are fairly aggressive. I have several of these ( and a restriced species license ) and have seen one take down a feeder fish.
I do not actually know if they are illegal to take I could not find anything in my regulations about hermits, but I would assume that they are. You might check at one of the local tackle shops they may know.
I'm sure its probably illigal to take them, since there is some kind of law on almost everything these days. It's probably not worth the risk of contaminating the tank, and yes they are aggressive, I think I'l just stick to the critters at the LFS