are these flat worms? flat worm exit, anyone use it?


i gotta take off for a few hours so i wont be able to read any replies, buuuut.... i have these little flat red things on this piece of live rock some shrooms came on, i wanna say ive seen a post of flat worms and its them, the picture i took couldnt show them, just the red on the rock.
what can be done about these? purple nudi's right? but if they dont have any at the lfs what should i do? will flat worm exit work? anyone use it?


Active Member
I've never used it ... but I've heard good things about it. Someone had a good post with pictures showing the actual treatment awhile back, but it may have been lost during the format change. :D


Originally Posted by bigarn
Someone had a good post with pictures showing the actual treatment awhile back, but it may have been lost during the format change. :D
It was lost, but heres a quick overview.
Flatworm exit is awesome stuff, I dip all of my new corals now. I was lucky enough to catch my FW early and I turkey bastered them all out, but if you have many and end up using the FWE, be prepared to run carbon after treatment! The FWE is safe and harmless, but the flatworms themselves release toxicity when they die...


i use carbon all the time, so should i be okay? i just replaced the carbon filter yesterday before i did my water change
ill try suckin them out first with a turkey baster


New Member
I had an infestation of literally thousands of flat worms, ugh! I turkey basted them for a week straight to get them down to a managable amount before I used the flat worm exit, and it worked like a charm. Not a flat worm for months now. Doesnt sound like you have quite the population I had, so just suck out as many as you can get than run the treatment, you will be fine.
What part of NorCal you from? I am in Sac.....


New Member
I just dosed my 90g tank with FWExit. How long will you leave the medication in before the water change. I mean, how long will it take to be sure that all FW have been killed?


Active Member
Once you see the visible ones dropping, they are all dying and you can do the water change soon after. Give it maybe an hour.


New Member
It's been 6 hours since I dosed the tank with FW Exit but I still see a few crawling on the sand and some sticking on the glass. Should I (a) give it a few more hours? (b) increase the dosage?, what should I do?
I am worry that the ones that survive will repopulate the tank.


New Member
Sorry I missed the question.....I believe the directions said to dose again (but not as strong as the first dosage) if you still had any flat worms alive. I ended up dosing like 3 times over about a two hour period. Just made sure I sucked up as much as the dead worms as I could and ran some carbon. You should do water change after they are all dead - dont want to take out the medication until it is finished.