are these powerheads ok for my tank?


New Member
hi,first post here, my 48x24x24 120 gallon has a seio 820,300 gph return from sump,an aquaclear 275 gph and a small 100 gph behing rock.
Is this a good flow combo as I seem to have a lot of detrius kicked up by the fish. also is it ok to put filters on the powerheads to clear the water?


okay you have 3 sources of flow totalling around 675 g/h. That is at thier peak efficiancy rating by manufacturer; in reality cout it at about 75% or around 500 g/h. your tank is a 125 g - so it gets "turned over" 4x / hr.
IMO no where near enough flow. Can you increase water flow rate entering your sump? If so then you can increase the flow rate of you return pump!
Then plave some kind of powerheads in your tank to really mix things up!
If possible get your flows up around 20x / hr turnover rates.