are these worms or what?


My 10 gall is still in the cycle. I had a good friend give me some sand and live rock, and bought live rock that same day. I see these worms on the rock. I got a pic, but its not the best. It's hard to get a good pic of these things. They stretch out far and sometimes there short. They are light color, kinda like a really small slinky. little things all over its body. Anyway, here is a crummy pic of it.


no its hard to get a pic of that...its the top of the dead frog spawn, go down to the left, still at the top..u can see the string thing pointing up in the air.

sign guy

Active Member
wow thats the worm looks like a dead gorgonia, if its a worm its any body's guess what color is it. It appers black in the pic


Active Member
If I understand your description correctly I had those at one point and time in my tank as well. They look kinda of like an arm of a mini brittle star but the expand and contract. I never found out exactly what they were but my coral beauty ate them I think because as soon as I got it they disappeared. Or they might have been part of the cycling process. Here is my ID request post.
I lost the video feed but I will try to find it for you.