are these zooanthids dead


Active Member
Ive had these for a while and they only opened for about a month and theyve been like this ever scince(about 3 months) if they were dead i would epect them to rot or something. So, my question is are they dead or alive. If they are alive how can i help them.Attachment 237340


small triggers

Active Member
ive got some like that,, have you tried moving them around the tank to see if there is somewhere better for them? they can come back after a short time like that, but i dont know about 3 months long though???


Active Member
I have read somewhere that aiptasia and majano irritate zoas...I could be mistaken, but I think I see a few aiptasia
From the pictures it looks like they have white bumbs on them? Or is that substrate that has blown on them? It could be zoapox, which is no fun.


Active Member
im positive its substrate, i moved the live rock it was on today wich made me remember that it hasnt opened in a long time


Active Member
its not dead. its just not very happy. what r ur water parameters? what other corals do u hv? unless u gv more info, very hard to narrow down the cause. from my experience, when zoas dont open up, its normally water chemistry issue.


Active Member
i dont have water tests right now ill have to pick them up tommarrow. How much light are they supposed to get a day?


Active Member
i have a 65watt coralife light and its on 10-12 hours a day, could that be the problem.


Active Member
even if u very little light, the zoas would still open. i suggest u get a test kit to test the water parameters, and also refractometer for the tank's specific gravity.