are they colonial hydroids or tiny feather duster cluster? *cranberry?


Ok, I just looked at Cranberry's work in progress hitch hiker page and what she pictured as colonial hydroids looks an awful lot like something I have in my tank that I thought were tiny feather dusters. They are so small that they dont come out in photos. What are some ways that I can discern the difference, and if they are colonial hydroids, are they bad and why? Could I put them in my fuge or will they spread?


Active Member
If it's hydroids, they will spread. BUT, I've personally never gotten rid of any of mine and they haven't gone anywhere.... but I was aware that they could... they just never did.


Hmm... I really kind of like them and they are on a very small rock that I have by itself on the sand. they have been there a month and not spread so, Ill just leave them. But I will keep an eye out and if they do start to spread Ill just remove them. Thanks for the reply