Are they poisonous???


Now that we have established that The fish I am wanting is a porcupine fish and a cutie I might add, I read somewhere on the net that they are poisonous. Now, I know that some are poisonous to eat but are they to touch. In other words, am I going to be cleaning out the tank and accidently get poked and have PAIN like with the lionfish, do porcupines have venome in their quils?


Active Member
No they don't. Their skin is somewhat bad tasting to other fish that try to eat them but their spines deter most except for sharks I'm afraid who eat them anyway. I have never had a Pork stick its spines at me and usually when tank cleaning they go to the far side. They really are meek fish compared to say the Dogface who will take your finger off if given a chance. Now a Lionfish is a different story as you must know since according to your other post you have one. I'm afraid the worst a Pork will do to you is eat you out of house and home if you let it. They do not know when to stop and will eat till they sink to the bottom if you let them. With a small pork feed only till you see their little belly start to expand and quit no matter how they look at you with those big green/blue eyes (they are con artists big time).


Originally posted by playtime:
<STRONG>With that, I am getting him tomarrow. Thanks puffer.
i hope your getting a bigger tank dude b/c when i first started i wanted a puffer too but everyone told me that i would need atleast a 75 b/c they get really big. I don't know why Pufferlover didn't say this.


Active Member
Viking; Your point is well taken, but we discussed that in a subsequent post. I agree the bigger the tank the better. I have said before how when I got my 2 porks they started in a 20 then a 45 then a 58 then a 150. What the tanks cost as I moved them up was almost silly to be doing, but then I had the old tank to use didn't I (method to my madness). My large Dogface has its own 58 and does quite fine in it at about a foot, but it is alone as it ate its tankmates as it grew. But I got off the subject a bit- yes a 75 is good, but not the best cause if you keep the Puffer for a long time it to will be to small at some point. In the case Of Puffs I have been offered some beauty's Dogs and Porks that others brought in due to size, but I prefer to start with them as babies and grow them up over time. My 2 little baby Puffs at moment are in 2 20 gal grow out tanks as I call them.
In case someone noticed above I said a 150 but in other posts I mention a 125 that is because the 150 sprung a leak and I replaced it last year with a new 125 (not quite so tall- easier to work on for me).
[ August 17, 2001: Message edited by: Pufferlover ]