Are Urchins Safe In Aggressive Tank


New Member
Ive read a little on them and see that they fight off predators with there spines.Will this help with triggers?


Urchins are one of their main meals
so I would say no.

el guapo

Active Member
it will be eaten . the spines look tough but for the most part they just get picked at until there is a soft spot opened and from there its all over but the flushing .


New Member
Thanks for the response guys,i really needed to know that.Will they be ok in my refuge,i wont get no value in gettin rid of them,and i already ordered a queen trigger,be here in 2 days


Wow! A queen trigger, one of the most agressive ones. Nice fish. Does it have any other tank mates or is it a species only tank?

el guapo

Active Member
WOW , Honestly are you even ready for a queen trigger ? By thinking that urchins would be ok with it I am guessing not . You do understand that this fish will kill virtually everything you try to keep with it right ? As an adult it needs a tank well over 300 gallons . Please tell me your joking about this ?


Active Member
Trigger eat urchins by "shooting" water from their mouth to tip the urchin over, then they attack the underside where there are no spines, if you have not seen a video clip of this do some looking it is worth watching


Someday when I win the lotto, I want to have a Queen Trigger tank. Problem is I don't even play the lotto, so I better get started.


Originally Posted by rivieraduec
Thanks for the response guys,i really needed to know that.Will they be ok in my refuge,i wont get no value in gettin rid of them,and i already ordered a queen trigger,be here in 2 days
koolz!! she be fine wont grow that fast have a few years till it reaches max size.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
WOW , Honestly are you even ready for a queen trigger ? By thinking that urchins would be ok with it I am guessing not . You do understand that this fish will kill virtually everything you try to keep with it right ? As an adult it needs a tank well over 300 gallons . Please tell me your joking about this ?

Thank Slack for that. In the guys first post he was asking about clown triggers and slack gave his normal awful advice and thats the only thing the op bothered following.
rivieraduec take my advice and either ignore everything slackjawed tells you or go to another forum where you don't have poor fishkeepers like him misleading you with bad information.


Originally Posted by prime311
Thank Slack for that. In the guys first post he was asking about clown triggers and slack gave his normal awful advice and thats the only thing the op bothered following.
rivieraduec take my advice and either ignore everything slackjawed tells you or go to another forum where you don't have poor fishkeepers like him misleading you with bad information.
poor fish keeper?why because i house more than 1 trigger?
or because i only feed live?
all my fish are still kickin


Active Member
I'm not going to argue with Slack, I know my times better spent yelling at a brick wall. I said my piece and hopefully rivieraduec will take it seriously.