Arent fish supposed to be scared of you


Active Member
I pretty much thought for a while that all fish are scared of you....well not really my clwonfish is very friendly when a net goes to the tank he goes right next to it swimming all around an object, or when i put a net in my pepermint shrimp jumps right on it is very cool how they go on your hand also
just thought i would share this..............


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when i had my cleaner shrimp when he went on my are sometimes he would pick at it hard it was funny!


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I have to push my shrimp away when I'm doing things in the tank. Fish will nip and can down right bite you... but if you start doing things like put a net in or cleaning they'll run :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
I have to push my shrimp away when I'm doing things in the tank. Fish will nip and can down right bite you... but if you start doing things like put a net in or cleaning they'll run :)
the funny thing is my clownfish isnt even scared of the net or a cleaning divice, but he would be scared if i tried to scoop him up with it lol


Active Member
When I first got my clownfish, I would stick my hand in the tank and form a tunnel. They would swim all around it and through it and it was really cute. This didn't last long, eventually they started nipping at my hand when I put it in the tank. Now, I put my hand in the tank, and they would draw blood. Clownfish aren't man's best friend when they realize the fact that the aquarium doesn't belong to you, it belongs to them. Now gloves are man's best friend.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
When I first got my clownfish, I would stick my hand in the tank and form a tunnel. They would swim all around it and through it and it was really cute. This didn't last long, eventually they started nipping at my hand when I put it in the tank. Now, I put my hand in the tank, and they would draw blood. Clownfish aren't man's best friend when they realize the fact that the aquarium doesn't belong to you, it belongs to them. Now gloves are man's best friend.


Active Member
all my fish fear the net. But only my sixline is afraid of my hands in he tank. Wen im cleaning the clowns will follow me looking me for food they usually tihnk the siphon is the feeding syringe, my wrasse will hide and my foxface usually just goes about its business unless im cleaning the glass then he is hovering abuot trying to snatch up all the algae that i scrape off lol.
wen im pouring n new saltwater my clowns like to swim through it or hover just around the stream of water. This is typically when my foxface will go and hide hah


Active Member
my picasso clowns used to be super friendly and swim into my hands, but now they get really territorial and headbutt me when I get close to the little rock they spend all day cleaning lol I think it's because they are getting ready to lay eggs!

I hate cleaner shrimp! it freaks me out when they jump on my hand and start picking at my fingers... it's weird haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
my picasso clowns used to be super friendly and swim into my hands, but now they get really territorial and headbutt me when I get close to the little rock they spend all day cleaning lol I think it's because they are getting ready to lay eggs!

I hate cleaner shrimp! it freaks me out when they jump on my hand and start picking at my fingers... it's weird haha
That's awesome! How does that work? you can't sell the offspring as grade A picassos can you? Aren't they technically not picassos unless bred by ora? Anyway, clownfish are like teenagers...sure they're nice and loving at first, but then they start biting the hand that feeds them. Why did I just make fun of myself


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
That's awesome! How does that work? you can't sell the offspring as grade A picassos can you? Aren't they technically not picassos unless bred by ora? Anyway, clownfish are like teenagers...sure they're nice and loving at first, but then they start biting the hand that feeds them. Why did I just make fun of myself

I read that not all their babies will have abstract patterns, most of them will be normal. I'm pretty sure you can still call the abstract ones picassos. They are considered grade A when the middle bar connects with the tail bar, but I wouldn't be selling mine as grade A or B. I'm really excited to have clownfish babies!! =)