Armor Of God


Active Member
I think I got an Armor Of God polyp in a trade with a local reefer, but he didn't know he had it..he called it a magenta zoa, but it looks identical to the AOG anybody know how to tell if its TRUE aog?


Active Member
ya they look just like that...the last and second and first not so much the 3rd one..I can try and get a pic, but my camera sucks..I think it is just not positive..:-D


I have some pinks that are real close aog has a more flourescent look they really pop

el guapo

Active Member
The second picture is actually Armagedon Zoa's . That was one of my old avatars as crashbandicoot.


I thought the 2nd pic looked more like Devils Armor, (which are very similar to Armageddon's) so looked it up on a popular zoanthid ID site and low and behold, the picture is taken straight from the site. Are you sure the 2nd pic is Armageddon and not Devils Armor...


I wasn't questioning the pics you posted Alix, sorry if it came off that way. I was only asking cuz the person before me said they were Armageddon's, and that was the last post in the thread at the time. I should have used the "quote" feature.
The three (AoG, Armageddon, and Devils Arm) all have the same colors (different shades sometimes) just different patterns. Some sell frags of all three as a "set". Pretty cool if you think about it, not too many zoas/palys have the exact same colors and are only separated byt the pattern of those colors. Not saying these are the ONLY one's, but it's pretty rare. When the polyps are small, it's very hard to tell them apart...until they start to get a little bigger when you can see the pattern inside the skirt.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by RHagemann
I wasn't questioning the pics you posted Alix, sorry if it came off that way. I was only asking cuz the person before me said they were Armageddon's, and that was the last post in the thread at the time. I should have used the "quote" feature.
The three (AoG, Armageddon, and Devils Arm) all have the same colors (different shades sometimes) just different patterns. Some sell frags of all three as a "set". Pretty cool if you think about it, not too many zoas/palys have the exact same colors and are only separated byt the pattern of those colors. Not saying these are the ONLY one's, but it's pretty rare. When the polyps are small, it's very hard to tell them apart...until they start to get a little bigger when you can see the pattern inside the skirt.

I am honestly not going to say I am right . I am just going by what I saw them listed as on a site. The ones that have the orangish color shooting out from the center were called armagedon on that site and were going for 32$ per polyp . I could very well be wrong though .
Either way I want to some

don lino

My true AOG's have a green stripe around the skirts... You have to look closely. Heres an old pic under t5 lighting: