Around and around and around....


I got a new prec"nemo"today{my first}and he seem's fine other than he just keep's swimming around the whole tank.He just keep's making the same circle.Is this normal when you first add them or is something wrong with my baby?Also I got a anemone today and was woundering. IF he decides he want's to host the anemone usally how long does it take?What arer ethe sign's of hosting?TIA!!!


he may be stressed because of the move (or because of water parameters) did you let the tank cycle completely? just to be on the safe side check your water parameters and make sure eveything is OK
If the tank has not properly cycled and by any chance you find something wrong in the parameters then remove the fish/anemone right away or they may die and wait for the cycling to complete before adding cleanup crew and then the fish/anemone
Association depends on the source of the fish (wild caught or tank raised). they may associate anytime or may never do it. It's a matter of luck. What you can do to "push" that luck is find a compatible anemone for the type of clownfish you have/want
For reference, my tank raised false percula took two weeks to associate with my BTA