Arrangement of Corals ?


Active Member
Hi everyone,
I've recently started keeping corals, and wanted to know if there's a general rule of thumb when it comes to arrangement of corals in the tank.
Which corals should be near the bottom, middle, or the top of the tank? What's the "GENERAL" rule of water flow for corals? I've also noticed that many people just pile the corals over each other, and they are all in contact. Is this ok to do? Right now I got 5 corals and they are all placed far apart from each other. I'm going to buy a lot more of them, so I was curious how I should place them in the tank to give it a more natural look and also not cause problems.
Thanks and Happy Memorial Day !


Active Member
the most light demanding at top, medium demanders middle.. and the least demanding on the sand or bottom


There are corals that dont get along with each other. I personally dont have the knowledge or experience that many others have, but as far as my 2 cents are concerned I would ask about specific corals in relationship to the ones you have before purchasing. For example: "I have a patch of striped mushrooms and would like to add some Ricordea in the same area. Will the two get along?" Its always a good idea to ask questions and do research before adding anything new.
It will also kind of depend on how much you want your other corals to grow. If more real estate is taken by other corals, most likely coral growth will be generally inhibited. Not to mention nutrient /light competition.
I hope someone else can answer your ?s better than I.


Active Member
Their are SO many books out their that will give you a guide line on light, water movement, hardyness and aggresiveness. I would start with a good book.:yes:


Get this book :
Aquarium Corals - Selection, Husbandry and Natural History
By. Eric Borneman
Thats gonna give you alot of information you are going to want as far how to keep a successful tank. It also will give you all the corals you can get and tell you the difficulty in keeping them, what type of lightning you want and the type of current it will thrive under.

mr. tuna

Active Member
i understand that hamers, frogspawns, elegance..ect,
will sting neioboring corals, though how big of a space should
be kept in between them?


Active Member

Originally posted by waterfaller1
.Hydnophoras and {darn I can't remember the name of it..resembles gsp but more dense..starts with an"E"} are very aggressive and will sting anything they can reach..

Galaxea...?...:D or is it dyslexia...?


Active Member

Originally posted by MR. Tuna
i understand that hamers, frogspawns, elegance..ect,
will sting neioboring corals, though how big of a space should
be kept in between them?

I"m curious about this question also. How much space is enough space? As long as they can't reach each other, is that enough space?
Waiting for reply from Waterfaller :D


Active Member
Sweepers come in different sizes from coral to coral. Start like 8-12 inches and see how long the sweepers go.


In my experience it really depends on the individual corals and their neighbors. I have a frogspawn that is in constant contact with my colt coral without any adverse effects. Similarly I have a fragged colt that is constantly touching my toadstool. You really just have to keep a close eye out for any adverse reactions. On the other hand I keep everything far away from my hydrophora. It torches anything it comes in contact with.
If the corals are not opening up or showing signs of stress move it.