Arranging Live Rock Tip

fish tv

I am setting up a tank and I was looking for some tips on arranging the live rock. I know that there should be gap so the water and fish can go between the rocks. As I look at my live rock right now it looks like a pile of rocks and not very interesting.
I was thinking of piling them against the back of the aquarium as the aquaraium is fairly narrow and that would make it easier to clean the sides and front. Is that a good or bad idea?
Also I have read that people sometime "glue" the rocks together so they don't tumble. Does it really help?


i started my lr like in the middle of my tank and gradually start piling them toward the back of my tank but first you have to have a good support rock base to the bottom so you wont have a avalanch in the near future then it depend on how high you want to go up.
heres a picture of my lr rocks setup.



How you arrange the rocks from an aesthetic perspective is entirely up to you. A lot of people have posted pix of their tanks in this forum, so you might want to click around and look for suggestions. A lot of people lean the rocks against the back glass. It provides support against an avalanche. Just make sure as you place the rocks one on top of the other you test that it is not going to collapse. Kind of tap it in a few directions to make sure. Some people have glued their rocks together, but once you've done that you'll have a tough time rearranging your rocks if you ever choose to. Other people have used narrow PVC pipes (drilling holes in rocks and sticking PVC pipes into them) to keep rocks from falling.


A friend of mine made PVC racks. He drilled holes in the rock and zip-tied the rock to the PVC. After 3 months you can't tell it's not all rock. It works great for providing flow, hiding stuff, and avoiding avalanches.