

Active Member
Waited two weeks for my "new" (special ordered) All Glass drilled 210 to come in...
Went to the LFS to pick it up today, and it's not corner's a "Mega Flow" version...with two huge Black plastic "overflows" placed a foot in from each side...:eek:
I'm planning on a "middle of the room display" (view from both sides) and this will just not do...
Needless to say I left it sitting on the loading dock with a very pissed off "Manager"... "What do you mean 'Your not going to take it' ??"... And a soon to be fired salesperson..."I thought it had corner overflows"...
Very disappointed...just had to vent...:mad:


Absolute shame but hey you should get what you ordered.


Active Member
Yeah thats how every all glass comes now... I don't know if you can even get one corner drilled anymore unless it is a special order, and then you might as well bend over and drop em. Did you look into an acrylic tank with an overflow in the middle? If its going in the middle of the room you could have had it done like this


Active Member
Cool...That's the pic that got me fired up about going big, tall and in the middle of the room...
We're trying to work out some type of compromise...either reorder ( which doesn't look promising) or give me a discount and I'll "replumb" and move the overflows to the corners and install "glass" overflows...


Active Member
I'll "replumb" and move the overflows to the corners and install "glass" overflows...
Ouch... Good luck! That sure won't be fun... Just remember though... The LFS should have made sure of what you wanted before they ordered it. If they called their distributor and it came in different then what they had been told, then they should be able to easily return it. Otherwise don't get forced into something that you didn't want to do (unless the price is too good to pass up). I thinik you might be kicking yourself in the long run.


If the LFS screwed up thats their bad. If they won't re-order your tank I would just get a full refund and purchase from somebody else. I wouldn't let them strongarm you. So much money is spent to maintain this hobby you should make sure your 100% satisfied with what your buying.
Hope things work out.