Arroganite, CC, and sand.

I'm looking for a little help here. I have a 1/4" bed of sand over about 1 1/2" Arroganite. I wanted to know if Arroganite is CC or similar to. If it is I will do a search on switchin the Arroganite for the sand. I guess I'm bored and looking for something to do to the tank. BTW the clown and 2 blennies are in a Q right now and only the shrimp, polyps, crabs, sand stars, and snails are in the tank so would introducing sand and the left over dust after washing irratate the inverts?


I believe that argonite and CC are 2 different things. The sand that I mixed with the LS was labeled argonite. From what I've been reading you want to try to find sand that does not contain argonite, as it contributes to algae growth. Of course after the algae has consumed the argonite their food supply is gone, but not sure how long that will take. CC is crushed coral. I removed all the CC from my tanks and added LS with quickcrete play sand. Hope this helps.


1 other thing, now would be the time to do the change while there are no fish in the tank. This process does add stress to the fish.
Thanks, for the input. I thought the Arroganite was crushed coral because of the grain size. The label on the bag says Aragonite CaribiSand. It doesn't look like the sand at the beach, its white and a large grain size, it you really want to call it grain. Maybe I'm supposed to usethe caribiSand to seed the reg. sand to make it live? I'm not really sure I can fully explain myself. I bought the caribisand when I started the tank. It came in a plastic bag with the large white granuels. The bag also contained water. I want a Live DSB because the tanks with sand look more natural and more attractive. I don't know if I"m making myself clear or being more confusing. ::sigh:: Anymore imput is creatly appreciated.


Active Member
Crushed coral can be many different things, but normally it contains exactly what it says - crushed coral. Old dead coral skeletons of any age - could even be ancient fossilized corals.
It works fine as a substrate in a marine saltwater tank, although it has a tendency to trap wastes and uneated food particles due to it size, shape and overall structure when placed on the bottom of the tank.
Aragonite is "new" or recent dead coral skeletons or a mix of these dead skeletons, and ocean born limestone or oolite sand. It's a term applied to the types of eroded sands/gravels that are found near the base of recent coral reefs - not prehistoric material or fossil material. It is made of the same materials that the reef itself is made of.
I'm sure some if it is pulled from the sea in it's natural grain size/state, and some other forms of aragonite are mechanically "crushed" and sifted to within a certain grain size grade, and marketed as such,
Aragonite exits in various "grain" sizes from large chuncks to very tiny sand particles. It's made of calcium carbonate which many feel is a benefit in a marine tank. Others do not feel this way and believe that any sand of any origin is fine to use, as long as it has the proper mixture of grain sizes.
DSB using these types of sands work wonders in most every tank. Most every.
There's more to it than just the substrate.
I've used both CC and DSB - and I can say the DSB is much better and my water tests are proving this to me.
Sorry Stacy but I have never heard of aragonite itself leading to alage problems, but certainly do agree with you that the time to make the swap out in the tank is when you have the least number of fish or inverts in such tank.
Source: Dr.Robert J. Goldstein - Marine Reef Aquarium Handbook
Thanks Broomer, and stacy. I appreciate the feedback. I'm goin to do a search on switching when i get home from school. I will probably swing by Home Depot and see if I can hunt down some Southdown. I mean I live in the south. Can't be that hard to find <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


New Member
stacy have you had any problems with the quikrete? the reason I am asking is because I cannot find Southdown anywhere.


I havn't had any problems with it yet. I only put it in about 2 weeks ago. I only used it in one of my tanks. A 37 gallon. I added 20 lbs. LS and 50 LBS. quicrete. If you have an Orchard supply they normally carry Montery Sand that the LFS also sales for aquariums. This would probably be another alternative.


is that true that, sand bed make oxygen in water 15% less than other kind of bed.


The stuff that I got is kind of brownish white. I really don't care for the color. My 80 gallon I added just enough to cover the botom part of the tank that you can't see and filled the rest with LS. It looks so much better than the mix.