arrow crab compatability


A non-net buddy of mine has an arrow crab, and is thinking about an emerald or sally lf crab. He wants to know if the arrow will eat them like it did his hermits and camel shrimp. He tried to give me the arrow, but my response was "NOT NO, BUT, HELL NO".


well, i have two sally lightfoot crabs, two arrow crabs, two skunk cleaner shrimp, and two blood cleaner shrimp and i've never had a problem between them. choose your specimens well, have a big enough tank, and feed them often and you shouldn't have a problem...


Active Member
arrows are unpredictable, they will eat almost anything they can, especially in smaller tanks, where they are always in close proximity of everything; some get lucky, but normally that is in larger system and the arrows are kept well fed(by hand feeding), but they always have the potential to eat almost anything they can(the only true exception being larger fish)
and i'd assume if he has struck once, he probably will strike again if given the opportunity so i would't risk it myself


hmmm, hey fishub, are you speaking from experience or from what you have heard?
just curious; we have had 2 of them in our 45 gallon reef;1 died of natural causes we suppose as was nothing in the tank agressive enough to do it in;the other is doing fine and has staked out area at bas of LR or near the clown's anemone (who tolerates him actually)at worst is shews things off w/ it's spiker like legs when things get too close when feeding, but has not done any harm to anyone...arrow crabs seem to be one of those depends who you ask/believe creatures;as for killing all those other crustaceans, did someone witness the actual crime? :cool:


Active Member
no one witnessed, our trustable lfs, in the tank wtih arrow crabs and peppermint shrimp is only chitons and snails(where she lost snails too, but turbos can and do die daily), and something was killing the shrimp until she moved the crabs to their own tank,adn i have read from several resoources to use caution, because they supposedly will eat ............even smaller fish
but then again i have also heard from others, that they have had no problems(which was also mentioned), but they are sure to keep theirs fed(as i have also mentioned), and if you'd like you can pick up almost any book and read about their diet which includes..(several things)... even small fish,
as for yours, and natural deaths(you assume???, because nothing else in your tank is aggressive enough???), i see 2 possibilities, the clown maybe(depending on the species) especially if he'd been confronted and the other arrow is another possibility, i have no idea what ele you may have, i mean even my tank has the potential, and the most aggressive thing i have is a 1.5 inch percula, but i do have lr, which means i have the potential to have a mantis, i haven't seen ay traces yet but that does not mean a thing, they are good hiders and can stay undetected for over a year especially if there is a good enough supply of food for them so they don't terrorize the tank
besides i believe i said, "that they are unpredictable and will eat almost anythign they CAN"(not they eat everything in the tank) and "some people get lucky", and i also said that they "have the POTENTIAL" (which means they have the ability), i never once said they ALWAYS DO, i just tried to keep it short instead of writing a 5000 word essay on the arrows diet and captive behaviors
by trustable lfs, i mean the one that i can trust and has so far given me alot of good advice(forget the other clown down the road), she helped us to straighten out a lot of things when we first started, wher as the other clown kept trying to sell me something else which never worked
now as debates go we have 2 for and 2 against, that is about normal for alot of things, esp. when it comes to opinions on species,LOL


I guess my opinion is that if you're not sure, and there's already inhabitants in the tank, you have to give way to them. if you think that the new inhabitants are just going to get killed by the Arrow, you need to avoid the new inhabitants. Don't depend on your situation to be the exception to the rule. I personally like the look of Arrow crabs, but I will not buy one until I have a much larger system.