arrow crab question


New Member
I purchased some arrow crabs to help get rid of some bristle worms(big ones). The crabs seem to always poke at the anemones and strike at fish. Are these crabs good to have for a reef tank or would I be better to just build a bristle worm trap and get my worms that way.


If you do a search about Arow Crabs on this site you will find a ton of info. In my opinion they are evil and should never but out in a reef tank!!! <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />


I have one arrow crab and he has never harmed anything in my tank. When a fish swims to close to him he will extend one of his arms to try and touch it, but I think this is just a warning. He is a great scavenger, and He is the only way I can find fish that have died in my tank. I have never seen him harm a thing, but mine just might be nice.


Uh, you still have 2 fish missing? Maybe that arrow crab is not so friendly after all. Just a thought...


i have a pair of arrow crabs in my tank (they were put in to help with flatworms). i've never seen them harm anything, and i've heard that some people have had bad experiences with them. regardless, i'm ready to yank the suckers out at a moment's notice :)