arrow crab?



anyone have one of these???
any problems at all???
im really looking into one..
i would like for it to control my bristle worm population...
could i put one in my reef tank? will it bother/hurt anything?
will it bother my fish?????????
i have heard "not reef safe" from the LFS, but have never read anything on the internet or in books that backs there statement up. i think that they would be fine if not starving and desperate. i would wait to see if someone else either agrees or disagrees with me before you make any choices. :notsure:


I had one in my 46 gal tank. It didn't eat any corals and did just fine until I added the 8 line wrasse without reading about the wrasse first. (it ate the crab in about 2 minutes)


I read on a different website that they will kill other crabs and shrimp.
They also can kill small fish. I had one in a fowlr and it did not chase any of my fish at all. But did not try to put any shrimps or hermits or snails in that tank.


Originally Posted by tahoetanks
I had one in my 46 gal tank. It didn't eat any corals and did just fine until I added the 8 line wrasse without reading about the wrasse first. (it ate the crab in about 2 minutes)
Why did you just let him eat it?
And are you talking about the Eightline Fairy Wrasse? Because they are reef safe.


Originally Posted by fishkid2
Why did you just let him eat it?
And are you talking about the Eightline Fairy Wrasse? Because they are reef safe.
It wasn't intentional.
By the time I got to him with the net, there was only about 1/2 of him left.
Yup. That's the one. It's fine in my reef now. As long as it is not with a decorator crab or an arrow.


Active Member
A lot of smaller wrasses are a threat to "ornamental crustaceans" such as shrimp and these sorts of crabs. Reef safe typically applies to things like corals, which they are not terribly likely to mess with. But usually there is not much to do once they take an interest. The wrasse and shrimp/crab may be fine for awhile, until the wrasse may turn on it.


I had one for about 6 months. I loved the fella at first until he got the size of a soft ball. Then he started taking my hermits and pulling them out of there shell and eating them. He also ate two other crabs I dropped in there. I still kept him because he would eat from my hands and was really active. Then one day he tore a flower pot apart to eat something. When my wife told me that I brought him to the lps and traded for a fag. If you get one good luck just watch him like a hawk.


thanks for your input everyone...
after hearing what everyone has to say .. i think ill pass on the arrow crab...
anyone have any suggestions on something else i should get?