arrow crab


New Member
I want to get a arrow crab but all it says here is bold and should be kept in a big tank.
Just how bold are these guys and is a 55gal tank with lots and lots of rock big enough?
i also have a 3 other shrimp and a clown and a blue hippo tang


I have an arrow crab in a 125 with three cowfish...I have never seen it go after a fish, but it eats constantly. If it is not a piece of food that has been dropped into the tank it is a bristleworm. Mine pretty much stays in one spot, and only ventures out to grab a piece of food. I would think it would be ok in a 55, but perhaps I have a mild arrow
. Also, mine is not terribly quick and I think my 1" cowfish could escape it quite easily if need be.

sir ryan

I have an Arrow crab in my 46G (50-ish pounds of rockwork) with some damsels, hermits, Royal gramma, and a Condylactis anemone. He really doesn't roam, he just sits and eats a lot. I haven't seen him go for any of my fish yet, and I think he is too slow anyhow. Plus, aren't they one of the few species that can walk on an anemone unscathed? Long story short, I like him and have had no problems so far.