Arrow Crab??


Will my Arrow crab eat shrimp, star fish, or snails? If he is a mean feller I will put him in my meany tank. Anything else I should know about him?


I have one. He had a nasty habit of stealing food from the goniapora, which I had to get rid of anywyas becuse the clown decided to call it its home. I have never seen the arrow pick on anything else. I can see him munching on some shrooms. He developed a taste for my hairy shrooms now that I think about it. If it were up to me I would tell you to stay away from them. They are too tempremental.


Well he is in my 90g aggressive tank right now as I have no real predator fish in it at the moment. If he won't eat my Peppermint shrimp or my brittle star in my 55g I would like to put him in there. Has anyone ever had any of them together?


He seems pretty mellow. If the fish get near him he retreats slightly and puts his leg up in an atempt to block them from comming closer. He doesn't seem to use his claws at all in defence.


i have one that doesnt seem to bother my shrimp of snails. I did have a clown die and after he died the little bugger was draging him ariund the rocks and chowing on it, it was pretty freaky actually!:eek:


I will post a picture or 2 of it tomorrow. I would snap a shot now but they are sleeping. :D
Oh and so far my Arrow Crab is quite the gentleman.


Here is a picture of my 90 at this time. I am fighting a bit of a red slime problem right now but I think it's getting better.