Arrow Crabs

fish tank

can anyone tell me if you can have two or more arrow crabs in a 75g tank, will they get along? i got one the other day and he is so cool to watch. thanks


Active Member
I have an 84 gallon tank with two large arrow crabs and they get along great. You could have more than one in a 75 gallon, depending on what size,(long, tall). I woudn't put more than two though.


arroa crabs are neat, but can neer sem to keep them alive for more than few months or so...& don't know why, always just end seeing the leg stalks & have not witnessed a molting yet...more times then not seems to be recommended you do not kep more than 1 in a tank otherwise will seek each other out & fight to the death...of course w/ a large enoug reef tank w/ plenty of hiding places they may just stake their own psot out & never notice each other