Arrow crabs...


dont have one. but my buddy does and he swears it is picking at his corals and he wanted me to ask you all.
do they pick at corals? and has anyone experienced them attacking fish?


New Member
Mine never attacked any fish but yes, they do pick at everything. They scavenge all day and will pick at corals ( at times) for food. This is atleast what my arrow does at times. IF a fish swims by, he will put up his legs, i beleive this is some sort of defense.
None of my corals are damaged, in fact they are very healthy. I have no idea what they do with the corals, but mine aren't injured at all.:confused:


Active Member
Arrow Crabs are typically inverts to be left out of home aquariums, or kept as the sole inhabitant. First off, some have been known to eat coral polyps, most eat BristleWorms, and all I have seen, try to eat any and all fish in the tank. If you read the profile for them here on, it mentions their natural propensity towards live prey. They typically scavenge from the LR and the sandbed for BristleWorms and the like. So, in their scavenging, they will eat any soft corals they come across. As for eating fish, yes, I have had TOO MUCH experience with it. I had an Arrow Crab that ate my Engineer Goby, before I had realized their natural tendencies, and just didn't notice it missing, and then lost my Volitan Lionfish right before my eyes. The Arrow Crab plunged its claws into it in one foul swoop :eek: as the Lion was "slalking" some swaying caulpera. The Lion never had a chance. I tried my hardest to keep that Lion alive, but it didn't make it. Needless to say, the Arrow Crab was traded back to the LFS in two seconds flat.


i agree with Demosthenes they sure to look cool, but i would never put one in a fish tank. a "very" aggressive little critter. i have watched them kill damsels while diving. an amazingly aggressive crab.


Active Member
In my 84 gal tank I used to have, I had two large arrow crabs. They never actually killed any of my fish but they tried to catch everything including me whenever I had my hand in the tank. Very aggressive crabs :eek:


thats what we figured. thanks for your posts....
of course the LFS said they were very reef safe....
hey, times are hard a sale is a sale i guess.... geez..


New Member
I must be lucky then..
my arrow crab leaves everything alone. Except the bristleworms. My god does he love them.:)
mine ate all my hermit crabs and snails without me even knowing until it was too late. it also scratched my clown and caused it to get infecteed and almost die :mad:. i fed that sob to my eel :D