As requested, new clam and more!!!

tx reef

Active Member
Here is the Derasa Clam I got today. I also shot some more pics of my new Superman Montipora, my new Atlantis Pink Polyp Montipora caps, and my new Leng Sy Montipora cap.
I also took a couple of shots of my two Ocellaris Clowns. They both split their time between the Green Open Brain and Fuzzy Grass Mushrooms. If one is in the brain, the other goes to the mushrooms and vice versa. At night they both sleep in the Green Open Brain together.
Anyway, enough rambling. Here are the pics!!! :joy:


tx reef

Active Member
I am still not completely satisfied with the pictures yet.
The polyps on the Atlantis Pink Polyp Montipora (last pic in first post and first three pics in second post) are actually very bright pink.


Very nice tx reef...*sips onsouthern comfort*. You have added alot since your last full tank pics and upgrade. Could you post some full tank shots?

tx reef

Active Member
I will post a new full tank shot tomorrow after the lights come on.
I got rid of some kinda drab zoos (traded them for the clam) and moved all my softies and lps near the bottom to make room at the top for SPS.
Also, my friend came over and got his half of the corals we bought a couple of weeks ago.
*sips captain morgan & coke*


Thank you for the pics! They look awesome. I am going to search for those corals online.


Where's it at!! I need new wallpaper lol. Your tank last i looked was very similar to mine and i liked it alot.Ill post some pics of mine soon as i get a good camera. All i have is a camera phone that just sucks as a camera.*finishes bottle of southern comfort*

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by whitey_028
Where's it at!! I need new wallpaper lol. Your tank last i looked was very similar to mine and i liked it alot.Ill post some pics of mine soon as i get a good camera. All i have is a camera phone that just sucks as a camera.*finishes bottle of southern comfort*
Sorry. I have a hard time pulling myself away from the television on Sundays and Monday night.
What's wierd is that I don't feel completely "alive" until football season starts. Once it starts, it is like I come out of a daze..........
Anyway, I will take a full tank shot today after work and post before the game starts.


Originally Posted by TX Reef
Sorry. I have a hard time pulling myself away from the television on Sundays and Monday night.
What's wierd is that I don't feel completely "alive" until football season starts. Once it starts, it is like I come out of a daze..........
Anyway, I will take a full tank shot today after work and post before the game starts.