I have an ASM G-1 and it works great, can't comment on the others since I have only had ASM's but if I were to upgrade my skimmer I would stick with ASM.
Originally Posted by crypt keeper http:///forum/post/3031327
I have an asm gx1. Worosk great on my 75. Keep my trates low and water quality near perfect
These two skimmers are not even in the same category. MSX is worlds apart a much much better skimmer than ASM. I've had both, MSX is one of, if not the best skimmer available today.
Man, I wish I could just run an MSX for comparison. I have an ASM G-3 on my 75g and I can't imagine a skimmer pulling out more than that thing is pulling out already....almost a full skimmate cup per week and the neck is always completely caked.