Astrea Snails!!!


does anybody know their lifespan??? I think one of mine just died. I had him for over 2 1/2 years. I'm guessing this is how long they live???
I just flipped him over and the cleaner shrimp came but he only picked at the snail for like 2 seconds. Shouldn't the shrimp & my hermits trying to be eating it???
Should I leave him for the clean up crew or give him a proper burial???



I've seen both approaches recommended (leave it in and let the cleanup crew take care of it / take it out). Personally, I don't think the cleanup crew "needs" the additional food, so to avoid any fouling of the water, I would take it out.
If it was in a location where you couldn't get to it I wouldn't worry about it, but if you can get it out and it isn't really adding something to the tank that is needed, why leave it?
Just my 2 cents...


Active Member
For as bad as a dead snail smells (one of the worst things I've ever smelt), I'd take it out if I could, especially if it was like a larger snail in a nano tank. If not, just CUC food.
The only thing I found has been a few to a handful of years (2 to 6 or 7 years). The bigger the snail, the longer it lives.