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HOW very pleased I was to see the phrase "Why we should take astrology seriously" above your masthead. "Ha-ha!" I thought, cackling wickedly. "Even the broadsheets are being taken in by my spurious pseudo- science. Soon they will all carry a zodiac column and my masterplan to delude the nation will be complete."</P> Making a mental note to open another numbered Swiss bank account first thing Monday morning, I turned to the relevant page. Imagine my horror to discover your writer had a hostile agenda. "Curses, foiled again," I cried, gnashing my teeth.
Happily, once I forced myself to peruse the offending article, I found the game was far from up. Richard Dawkins's arguments were about as convincing as the Copernican theory of epicycles and based on as many false assumptions. Surprising really. If he is a scientist, you might think he would begin his work by doing a little research.
So he hopes to see people like myself imprisoned for fraud, does he? He will need a far better case for the prosecution than this load of hackneyed claptrap. And he had best be careful, too, with his pompous attacks on Jung and Freud, lest I take it as a profound compliment to be dismissed in the same breath as these great men.
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Happily, once I forced myself to peruse the offending article, I found the game was far from up. Richard Dawkins's arguments were about as convincing as the Copernican theory of epicycles and based on as many false assumptions. Surprising really. If he is a scientist, you might think he would begin his work by doing a little research.
So he hopes to see people like myself imprisoned for fraud, does he? He will need a far better case for the prosecution than this load of hackneyed claptrap. And he had best be careful, too, with his pompous attacks on Jung and Freud, lest I take it as a profound compliment to be dismissed in the same breath as these great men.
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