At a total loss


New Member
I am hoping someone has some insight as to that may have caused this because I am at my wits end on this one.
We have a small Naso that has been in our tank for about month (140 gallon reef). He was very happy and friendly and has gotten along with everyone in else in the tank very well. Last night things went very wrong very fast.
Last night we moved a Regal Tang to the display tank that has been in the QT for several weeks. The Naso went over to check him out like the rest of the fish in the tank (2 clowns. 5 chromis) everything seemed to be going very well there was no sign of aggression and everyone was swimming around. I noticed that the Naso was raising his dorsal fine and was a bit darker then normal but he was not showing any stress spots and was swimming around. About 15 minutes after the regal had been placed in the tank I saw the Naso dart from one side of the tank to the other and then disappear behind the rocks. A few minutes later he floated out from behind the rocks upside down and as stiff as a board. I immediately jumped up and opened the lid of the tank thinking I had just lost my Naso.
This is where it goes into the Twilight Zone. The Naso is still breathing but very shallow but his eyes are fixed and he has one side fine facing back and one forward. His color is way off and like I said he is stiff as a board. I immediately set up a hospital tank with display water and caught him by hand and placed him in the hospital tank for fear the clean up crew would find him.
He has been in the hospital tank over night and has improved very little. His breathing is a little better and his eyes look better but are still fixed. He is able to move his side fins but one is still pointing forward. He also a small amount of movement on his tail fin but only to one side. He is still very stiff and for the most part he lies on his side but there are times that he is able to right himself but he is barely swimming.
This entire problem occurred in less then 15 minutes. The only things that changed is we made a mistake and picked up red leaf lettuce which he ate about 10 minutes before this happened and the addition of the regal (Which is smaller then he his) to the tank.
I am looking for some help on this one.
Tank parameters: (last water change was a week ago)
Temp 78.5
SG 1.024
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
PH 8.4


I didn't reply earlier because I truly do not have any insight to offer. I'm a noob. I'm sorry about your Naso. They're beautiful fish. Hope it recovers.


Active Member
I doubt red leave lettuce will have anything to do with the tang. I've fed my fish all kinds of lettuce with no problems. Unless there was a toxin on that fish. Other than that I have no answers. You might ask a mod to move this to the disease forum. Might catch a few more eyes there. Particularly the ones with more insight. If you'd like pm me your email. And I can forward that onto some people I've known who know alot more about fish than I do.


my foxface did the exact same thing when my puffer started chasing wound up getting stuck between 2 branch rocks and thrashed about. when i released it he was just like what you described. within 5 min he was idk.. maybe it just flipped out or something.


Active Member
how long did you acclimate this fish to the main tank before adding him to it .. it almost sounds as if he went into shock..