At first glance...


Hey all, was wondering your thoughts on the below: (my answers)
-what's the first thing that you look at when entering a pet/fish store? (I look for how clean)
-what keeps you shopping there, what will make you stop? (correct answers, lies)
-what do you wish your pet/fish store had and or did? (frontline for the canine, proper quarntine of new arrivals)
Just curious on everyone elses thoughts


I look for variety, knowlege of what they have in stock, how much expirience the staff has, how friendly and helpful they are, cleanliness is key as well. are they willing to order things that i need or want, and PRICE of course.


Active Member
Speed! Once I tell them I need something I want it NOW! Bag that hermit already, what's taking so long?

Plus, if they can order equipment and get it faster than I can off the internet, which isn't often.


The first thing I look for is inside the tanks. Signs of disease.
What keeps me shopping there... supply availability.
Why would I stop. They refused to exchange an 8 dollar anemone after spending $3000 dollars there, THAT WEEK!! Oh sorry, I guess I coulda said "Bad customer service"
I wish they had my brands of stuff. Did?? Give me deals on the corals that are all but dead, so I can fix them (they won't budge).


Active Member
Tizzo... giving deals on almost dead corals is like reducing the price of produce so it sells before it goes bad. Soon noone will buy anything at regular price, they just wait till it is on it's last legs. I had that happen to me when I worked the produce department at Sam's Club.

My LFS often gives discounts on corals if you buy it the second it comes in. You take your chances with RTN on acros and such, but you can get some good deals.


They have a bright green candy cane, like the one I already have, and every time I go in, one more head is dead. It only started with about 6 heads, now it's down to 3. And a very unhealthy 3 they are. They want 40 bucks for it. I wish they put the health of the critter first, again...if it were a puppy...


Originally Posted by rasta979
Hey all, was wondering your thoughts on the below:
-what's the first thing that you look at when entering a pet/fish store?
**I look to see how their fish are (both salt & fresh)
Originally Posted by rasta979
-what keeps you shopping there, what will make you stop?
**Customer service, if I can trust their advice then I'll stay
Originally Posted by rasta979

-what do you wish your pet/fish store had and or did?
**More reading material


Active Member
all i care about is that they have what i am looking for. I could care less what they do or do not know.
IMO i view the LFS staff the same way i view bag boys at the local food mart.
they are there to pull my crap from a tank and toss it in a bag. I feel its my job to know what i'm looking at and its also my job to know a healthy coral when i see it. NEVER and i mean NEVER will I take ANY LFS advice at face value. the guy could be the damn editor and cheif of reef keeping magazine and i still would research it on my own before deciding.
i go to the store the second there stuff comes in. in most cases i have a better chance buying the coral out of the box then i do letting it go into store tanks.
i will go to the most run down store in town if i know they have something i want.
If you look around for picture on the holding tanks these things come from i would be willing to bet that any store you have around you is a dream in comparison. unfortunatly not the best conditions and collection methods are used to get these things to us.
as for fish that another story i try to get all my fish from other reef keepers. not one fish in my tank came from a LFS.