At least 17 pics and info


Time for the once a month update pics. I'm only doing the recent additions this time around, maybe do the others at a later date. The pics were taken last night, so I included actinic shots too cause the newbies look awwesome under actinics. You'll probably notice red slime in some of the pics, been battling for about a month now. Bummer. The worst news is the loss of our xenia
One day they started melting away and I couldnt find anything wrong or any way to prevent it. We'll try again after we get the slime problem taken care of. I've also included pics from a month ago for comparison. Hope you all enjoy and wish us luck in our fight against the slime.
Of course, I have to start with a pic of papa wondering why I'm so close to their eggs. The clutch is just to the left of Spot.


Yesterday. Looks more healthy to me, the brown is much darker now. Not sure if the pic will show it well.


These appear unchanged to me. The rock was already covered, so hopefully it will begin to spread out to other rocks.