At least a 300 gallon tank for 2-4 ft shark but.....


New Member
Most of you agree that a 300 gallon tank is the minimum size for a 2-4 ft shark such as a Marbled Cat or Bamboo etc. But what should the dimensions be for this setup?


Mine is 6 feet long x 3 feet wide x 2 feet high.
I gave up some of the length to get more width.


The sharks you mentioned don't need a 300 gallon if you tank has the right dimentions. I would say at least 6ft long and 2ft wide. They don't need that much room because all they do all day(and most of the night) is lay on the bottom of the tank. JamesP is wrong they don't swim side to side unless they are hungry(I know this out of experience).


JIM27 is right. That is why I went with the extra width front to back. To allow the shark to turn around and stretch out. A six foot long tank is fine for most of the sedentary sharks.


New Member
Would a tank 6ft long x 2ft wide x 2ft high work? I think that would be 180 gallons? Would an extra foot of width be necessary?


The standard 180 has those dimensions and could work. According to Scott Michaels book, he lists a 180 as the minimum size for some sharks. Since most will all get larger that 24 inches, I opted for the extra width. You could go with the 180 but leave swimming space around the perimeter of the tank. Put minimal rockwork in the center. Enough to construct a shelter for the shark but not enough to impede it circling the tank at feeding time.


Yes, thats what my bamboo is in right now. And no the extra foot isn't necessary but if you have the money then you should get it.