At what level of salinity...


New Member
will fish die. I had a salinity level of .026 and I think that killed my fish in my reef. I know it was my fault but could that have been the problem. Corals did fine.


Active Member
A specific gravity of 1.026 shouldn't have killed your fish unless your hydrometer/refractometer was way off but then again your corals are fine. I would look for the cause of death somewhere else.


Active Member
I reciently found out my specific gravity was running at 1.028
... although IMO that's way to high, I was running at that level for almost a year with no deaths... Now thanks to a refractometer I'm running at 35ppt... or just above 1.025. IMO 1.026 is fine as long as you don't have much swing in your specific gravity.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I don't know what happened. They just vanished. I had a very small chevron tang, a neon pseudo and an algae blenny. I found the blenny as he was being consumed by my 6 brittle stars. None of the Brittles ate the fish. I have had them for years and none are like the green monster brittle stars. I just don't know what happened. My pseudo had been with me for 3 years. I just bought the blenny and he seemed to be fine. The tang is the main culprit. I had bought him very recently. Maybe he had some undetectable disease that wiped everything out. Oh well, I will be starting over again. This time I will buy all of them at the same time. I hate starting over.