At what point is it inappropriate for your child to see you n-a-k-e-d?


Active Member
OK, I know a couple of the clowns on this board will chime in with their "witty banter" at some point.
But until that happens, this is a serious question that I've been wondering about.
My oldest is 2.5 years old... she sleeps with us sometimes, sometimes wants to shower with us and we've never been too concerned with being discreet around her. At what age is it inappropriate for her to see us to change clothes, use the bathroom or let her in the bathroom while we shower?

Please respond quickly as the trollers will not take too long to find this thread.


Active Member
idk my son still jumps in the shower with me and hes going to be 4 next week. my wife never does though that probably stopped at 2. i have a 6 month old daughter and I would probably be more discreet around 2 or so


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
idk my son still jumps in the shower with me and hes going to be 4 next week. my wife never does though that probably stopped at 2. i have a 6 month old daughter and I would probably be more discreet around 2 or so
Yeah, I was kind of thinking that it may be time to stop with my daughter. She has developed a bit of a staring problem.


Active Member
JMO but my 12yr old son has never seen me

, and i have not seen him

since he stopped wearing diapers. I was raised in a old fashioned Italian / catholic house where "

" was never good


Trolls??? We got a solution:

Naw, I have never really been comfortable in front of my daughter. She only just turned two. I have no intention of her peeking any time from here out. That being said, my wife will still occasionaly bathe with her. Somehow it is different when it is two females.


Active Member
that different for everyone i still showered with my mom till i was a teenager but we only had one bathroom for 5 people
i quit letting my son shower with me when he started staring and pointing out obvious differences


Active Member
I have a daughter and I think she was around 2 when I stopped letting her come around. The question for me now is walking around in my underwear in the morning getting dressed as she if 5.


Active Member
I don't see a problem with it until they are going to school. I grew up in a society where n.u.d.i.t.y was not a tabu like it is here and I don't think I have any problems with that. The whole family would go and have a sauna together and I would go with my parents until I was early teens and could be trusted to do that by myself.
I don't see a problem with any of that. IMO the biggest s.e.x.u.a.l.i.t.y problems are started by uptight parents who make a big deal about it.


Active Member
this is funny, but I will weigh in seriously, even though I can think of so many jokes.
Personally, now take into account that at six I would go to bed asking my mom and about the political situation with china. I remember taking showers with both my parents. But I took showers with my dad till I was 3 or 4. My mom curtailed that when I was much younger. It kind of ended when I asked my dad if one day my
would be as big as his
. And my poor parents were forced to duck the question. But my mom gave us baths till we were 7 or so, (mainly because if she didn't, we wouldn't clean ourselves me and my brother were two of little savages) Personally with all the crazies out there I don't plan on bathing with mine after they can stand up. Don't want CPS knocking on my door.
What really ticks me off are the

photos of "cute little kids". I HATE it when I see pictures of parents cute and

8 year olds. I feel like a dirty old man.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
OK, I know a couple of the clowns on this board will chime in with their "witty banter" at some point.
But until that happens, this is a serious question that I've been wondering about.
My oldest is 2.5 years old... she sleeps with us sometimes, sometimes wants to shower with us and we've never been too concerned with being discreet around her. At what age is it inappropriate for her to see us to change clothes, use the bathroom or let her in the bathroom while we shower?

Please respond quickly as the trollers will not take too long to find this thread.

i know... that CFR is gonna go off on you and im sure it will involve bacon...

there is a point of realization for you... i would say that around age 3 is the limit... IMO that is the age that they start understanding bodys... you also have girls so it makes it different for you (not so much for your wife) as well... my kiddos used to barge in on me all the time so i started locking the door and letting em know that it is inappropriate...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
It kind of ended when I asked my dad if one day my
would be as big as his
. .
ok, i havent laughed in three days til i read this. thank you very much, i missed laughing.
some mornings i have to take kaitlyn into the bathroom with me while i shower, since her mother doesnt like to wake up in the morning.
i'm already self conscious about it.
i don't think i'd let my daughter shower with me at all.
I do though wonder how we're supposed to make the mad dash from the bedroom to the bathroom after certain excercises are done without her saying why are you both na-k.ed??


Active Member
Yeah, I stopped the shower thing around 2 yrs and try to use a towel at all times these days... he's just turned 4. Personally, I think when they start to talk about being

it might be taken wrong by the "outsiders" if they mention it at daycare or preschool or something. JMO tho, being a single parent, I'm a bit more self-conscious about my parenting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
ok, i havent laughed in three days til i read this. thank you very much, i missed laughing.
some mornings i have to take kaitlyn into the bathroom with me while i shower, since her mother doesnt like to wake up in the morning.
i'm already self conscious about it.
i don't think i'd let my daughter shower with me at all.
I do though wonder how we're supposed to make the mad dash from the bedroom to the bathroom after certain excercises are done without her saying why are you both na-k.ed??
Along those lines, speaking of

within the family. I got my butt whooped one day when I was ten. (and I swear I didn't learn this but guys are born with a bragging gene) one day at dinner when I was about 10 And proud that my mom called me her little man. (thinking I was as big as him, flopped it out and ask my dad if my ____ was big enough yet to be a man _____ yet) My mom about fell out of her chair. And my dad started laughing, at that point my mom about killed my dad for laughing and I got a whooping, which funny enough was bare butt by my mom.

el guapo

Active Member
When the oldest got to the point where she started asking questions about everything under the sun was when it was nolonger ok . She has been going thru a stage where she is just barging in to rooms . At her moms house that excepted but at mine its a no go . So here we have to lock bedroom and bathroom doors .


Active Member
My dad and his wife were pretty openly n.u.d.e around their two daughters, they are divorced now but they were up until the girls were 9 and 11 for sure, my dad wanders around ---- like it's no big deal but he wasn't raised in the county, on the other hand I don't think I've ever seen my mom n a k e d.


my kids got to an age where they didn't want me seeing them. I knew then was the time they no longer needed to see me.
my daughter will be 5 in aug and she no longer wants dads help in the bathroom, and no longer wants him to see her in the shower. I'm ok still but not dad. Exact opposite was true for my son. He didn't want me seeing him around 3, grampa and uncle ok, not me.
so that's when I think you stop letting them see you.