atlantic blue tang


New Member
Help!!!!!!! My tang I got yesterday (& looked great) is now swimming with it's nose up at the very top of the tank & appears stressed. Any ideas for me to help it???


Active Member
My first thought is may not have enough oxygen in the water, however more details about you system and acclimateing process may help us help your fish....


New Member
I acclimated for 2 1/2 hours using the drip method. He was swimming around fine the first night with a clown I also just got. I have a yellow tang, a couple damsels, & a bicolor blenny I've had for over a year. The clown, niger trigger survived the acclimation, but the my bursa trigger & atlantic tang died. My tank has been up for five years & the only immediate problems I've had with new fish have been from! However, it is winter now & my priority shipment didn't arrive until 4pm-whatever....