Atlantic Blue Tang


I have the following in my 125g
1 yellow tang
1goldenstripe maroom
1 karen angel
1 flame angel
I want to know if I can put a atlantic blue tang in with these fish that is already in there?


Active Member
I would personally say NO!
I think the yellow will tear him up.
ABT are schooling fish and will not survive unless they are kept with several others.
In my 125 I have:
2- yellows
1-Desjardini (Red Sea Sailfin)
1-yellow eye Kole
1- Atlantic Blue juvi
They all school together but the bigger yellow is a butt head most of the time.


Active Member
If I remember correctly, Atlantic Blue tangs are colder water species as well, and wouldn't do well in a tropical tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
If I remember correctly, Atlantic Blue tangs are colder water species as well, and wouldn't do well in a tropical tank.
I recieved my ABT 8 Aug. 2006. Not very long, but I am happy to report doing very well so far. (fingers are crossed)


Originally Posted by SCSInet
Also possible that I don't remember correctly

That can happen sometimes. LOL

rabid frog

Active Member
Ya, yellow tangs can be a real pain if introduced before other fish. They become very territorial and can harrass other fish.